SEO Company – Digital Marketing Agency

A Responsive Website Is Crucial For PPC Campaigns

As an agency, we get a lot of outside clients that come to us with poorly designed websites and expect us to get them exceptional ROI in their campaigns. We do our best to explain that the best money spent initially is to invest in the website and be sure it is responsive.

A responsive website reacts to all size devices such as phones, tables, big screens, etc. This allows the visitor to get the best experience possible without having to do any horizontal scrolling, zooming or seeing graphics/text out of place.  See this responsive example we did for long time client, Alan Routh.

Responsive Web Design Sample

It is this reason we have a staff of web designers and coders. For us to do our job properly and for you to get the highest ROI possible out of your marketing, we need a killer website. Not only a beautiful and functional website, but many technical aspects such as HTML validation and fast page speeds are just a couple. We do not do any cookie-cutter sites or templates.

Once your website is up to par with our Genius’s, then we can begin campaign development include landing pages. When we build the websites in-house we are confident our clients have the competitive advantage and once we get the visitor, we are going to convert a high percentage of the time.

If your website is not responsive, give us a ring and we can discuss all your options.